What to Do When You Experience Heat Stroke Symptoms

Heat stroke is a very harmful heat problem that is life-threatening and is also considered a medical emergency. Heat stroke, also known as sunstroke is caused when the body’s ability to control the temperature fails. On experiencing heat stroke symptoms you should immediately consult a doctor and seek the right treatment to avoid further complications like brain fever or even death.

This problem usually affects people who are above 50 years of age but it may also affect youngsters or whoever is exposed to high temperature or sun for longer period of time; especially when you have dehydration of loss of water due which the mechanism that controls the body temperature fails. It is caused when the core temperature of body crosses 105 degrees Fahrenheit that also includes few other complications like nausea, unconsciousness etc.

Having proper knowledge about heat stroke and its complications can be helpful in identifying heat stroke symptoms at the right time so that the patient can be given the treatment at right time.

Below Mentioned are The Few Heat Stroke Symptoms:

  1. Highly Increased Body Temperature:

    If the body temperature of a person reaches 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degree C) or even cross this then this can be one of the many heat stroke symptoms. The body temperature of such patients should be taken very frequently to keep a check on patient’s status and should be given medical assistance as soon as possible.
  2. Sudden Change in Mental Behaviour:

    This may be one of the causes that a person is suffering from heat stroke. Anxiety attacks, alteration in behaviour, confused mental state, irritation, change in the way of talking (talking very fast or slow), fever or restlessness, attacks or even coma are some of the heat stroke symptoms that are found in the patient who may suffer this terrible disease.
  3. Severe Headache:

    The patient may suffer from severe to normal head ache problem.
  4. Rapidly Increases Pulse Rate:

    Heat stroke may cause the pulse rate to increase significantly because due to the heat stress the heart requires excessive amount of pressure to minimize the body temperature and make it cool
  5. Vomiting or Nausea:

    Heat stroke symptoms also include feeling uneasy in the stomach that may sometimes result in vomiting.
  6. Rapid and Shallow Breathing -

    While you suffer heat stroke you may experience shallow or rapid breathing.
  7. Hot, Flushed and Dry Skin -

    There is a possibility that the colour of skin changes to red and your skin becomes even more dry and hot if it the heat stroke that you are suffering from.
  8. No Sweating or Alteration in Sweating -

    Sometimes the patients with heat stroke do not sweat at all. This happens because of the failure of their heat control system. There may be change in the way they sweat. If the heatstroke is caused due to hot weather then your skin becomes dry and also hot when you touch while if the heat stroke is caused due to some other reason than your skin becomes moist.
  9. Weakness in Muscles and Cramps –

    Feeling weakness in your muscles or cramps is one of the heat stroke symptoms.
The above mentioned heat stroke symptoms can help you in identifying that whether you are suffering from heat stroke or not. If you suspect to have one or more of the symptoms from the above list you should immediately take the appropriate action. You should consult a doctor as soon as possible. The primary step to get over the problem of heat stroke is to bring the core temperature under control.

After knowing about the heat stroke symptoms, you should be aware of the necessary steps that are required to be taken immediately when the signs and symptoms of heat stroke is seen in anyone. Below is the list of a few actions that should be instantly taken if you notice the signs of heat stroke in anyone.

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  • Every possible step should be taken to cool down the body of the victim. The temperature of the body should be minimized.
  • The person should be brought in the shade or cool place and should be removed from the sun. To keep the body cool the patient’s body can be covered with wet sheets.
  • Immersing the body of the victim in cold water can also help in bringing down the body temperature.
  • You can also remove most of the cloth from their body and drench them with some water by making them sit in front of the fan
  • If the patient shivers constantly then the cooling treatment should be avoided for some time as this may increase the core temperature of the victim’s body
  • More and more fluids should be given to the patients to keep them hydrated.
  • Drinks like caffeine and alcohol should be avoided.
  • The body temperature of the patient should be frequently taken and remember that it should not come under 100 degree Fahrenheit because this may cause hypothermia (a condition when the body’s temperature fall uncontrollably that may be very injuries to the body)
  • If the patient suffers from breathing failure then it is recommended to give them mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
As heat stroke can be severely harmful, it is very important to take precautions to avoid this deadly problem. There are a few simple and easy steps that should be taken to prevent the problem of heat stroke.
  • Going out in the sun for heavy activities should be avoided during summers, especially in the peak hours of hotness.
  • Try to remain at home and relax instead of going out when it is very hot outside.
  • Drinks like coffee, beer and other alcoholic drink should be avoided as these increases the fluid loss of the body
  • Avoid wearing dark and tight clothes; instead wear clothes of lighter shades and with loose fitting. The clothes of light colour reflect more sunlight thus preventing you from sun stroke or heat stroke.
  • Increase the intake of fluids and drink as much water as you can even if you are not thirsty as this can help you in keeping yourself hydrated
The problem can be easily diagnosed by looking at the sign and symptoms heat strokes that includes increased body temperature or alteration in behaviour etc. but once the heat stroke symptoms are recognized it should be taken as a medical emergency and the immediate treatment should be given to the patient to avoid the complications or further issues that may be caused due to this.