Best Natural Tips - Home Remedies for Menstrual Pain

A healthy menstrual cycle is a boon to a women and it is the path to the beautiful experience of motherhood for a women. In a way it could be considered a blessing as it is connected to bringing or producing life. For some the menstrual procedure is easy and calm but as stated by the U.S National Library of Medicine out of 4 females 3 experience period pain of different potency at different levels of the cycle. Maximum of you know the stagnant pulsating and cramping pain that comes with it. Menstruation cycle is a natural part of women’s life, but that menstrual cramps are very disturbing for many.

Menstrual cramps are caused due to the hormone prostaglandin, which causes the uterine muscle contractions during your periods. Higher the level of prostaglandins, more severe is the menstrual cramps. Cramping can cause throbbing pain in the lower abdomen and dissipated pain to lower back. Cramps generally lessen after 2 days of the period cycle. Some women experience pain just before their cycle is about to start.

Some factors that increase pain during menstrual cramps are heavy bleeding during periods, genetic, reaching puberty at an early age, also some unhealthy habits like drink excess of alcohol, smoking, static life style and consumption of toxic drugs. To ease the pain and discomfort, there are several medicines. However, natural you can opt for home remedies for menstrual pain can be equally effective and even prevent cramps in the safest manner with no side effects.

Here are Some Home Remedies for Menstrual Pain For You to Try:

Heat To Sooth The Pain:

Apply heat on lower back and lower abdomen is the easiest way to control cramps. Heat relaxes your contracting muscles in the uterus.
  • Apply a heating pad on the lower back and the lower part of abdomen. You can also use rubber hot water bottles that are easily available in any store.
  • Taking a hot shower is another best option to feel relaxed.
  • Another option is that, you can soak a towel in water, wring out the excess water and heat it in the microwave for a minute; put this warm moist towel on your lower abdomen area until pain subsides.

Ginger Could Ease Pain:

Ginger is an effective herb that eases menstrual cramps. This herb plays an important role in lowering the level of the pain caused by prostaglandins. This is an effective home remedies for menstrual pain.
  • Cut ginger into small pieces and boil it for five minutes. Strain it and add a little honey and lemon juice. Drink this juice three times a day during the menstrual cycle.
  • You can also add ginger in your food.


Cinnamon is an excellent resource of calcium, iron, manganese and fiber. It has anti-clotting, anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties that can relieve you from the uncomfortable menstrual cramps.
  • Make a mixture by stirring ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon powder into a cup of water, and leave it for 5 minutes, add honey and drink it slowly. Start drinking 2-3 cups of this mixture 2 days before your periods start.
  • Take ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder and add 1 tablespoon of honey into a glass of warm water, drink this 3 times on the first day of your periods.

Basil Is A Natural Pain - Killer

Basil contains caffeic acid properties, which work as a natural pain-killer. It is another very effective herb for reducing menstrual cramps and pain.
  • Boil some water and add one tablespoon of basil leaves. Wait until it cools down. Once cooled drink this basil water every hour to reduce the pain.
  • Another option is that you can extract the juice from these basil leaves and add 2 teaspoons of this juice to a cup of warm water. Drink this water three times daily.

Blackstrap Molasses Is Rich In Minerals:

Blackstrap molasses are rich in iron, manganese, calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium and vitamin B6. It helps in reduces blood clots and soothe uterine muscles. This home remedies for menstrual pain reduces cramps during menstruation.
  • Take 1- 2 teaspoon of blackstrap molasses and add it to a cup of warm milk, drink it any time when you experience menstrual cramp.

Chamomile Tea An Anti-Spasmodic:

Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties which helps relax the uterus and eases the muscle pain and contractions that most women face during their menstrual cycle.
  • Take cup of boiled water, put a tea bag into a cup, leave it for 10-15 minutes, squeeze tea bag and add some lemon juice or honey, Drink 2 cups during the week before your period.

Unripe Papaya Lessens Contractions:

Papaya contains nutrients like carotene, calcium, vitamin A and C that helps relax the uterus walls and eases muscle contraction.


Banana is another very effective fruit which helps those who have excess pain in lower back and lower abdomen during menstruation. If you get
  • Take a banana leaf and cook in little oil then mix it with curd. Eat this mixture during your periods.

Herbal Tea Could Help:

Even though not much research has been done on the effect of herbal tea on menstrual pain, but traditionally it has been used to sooth period pain. It is believed that certain herbs of the tea act as estrogens and a pain reliever.

Note: If the is a history of hormonal-related cancer or if you are consuming blood-thinning drugs then it is advised that you should consult your doctor before trying this herbal tea for home remedies for menstrual pain.

Try these remedies to comfort you from the intense menstrual pain and cramps that come every month along with the periods. Apart from the above home remedies for menstrual pain you can also exercise, do yoga and meditate as researches have proved that exerting the body by exercising many vital hormones are released that help subside the pain and cramps during menstrual cycle.

You can also try massages that could relax the contracting muscles. Another option could be adopting the acupuncture technique to relax the body. If the pain continues even after trying these remedies then it is advised to consult a gynecologist and get a medical examination.

Time to Consult the Doctor -

Here are some signs that indicate that it’s time to seek medical help and solve the problem of menstrual contractions and pain:

  • The menstrual pain becomes an obstacle in your daily routine
  • It cause nausea, headaches, diarrhea or vomiting
  • Passing of clots proceeds more than one day.
  • Cramps later on occur during adulthood.
  • Abnormal vaginal during the period cycle.
  • Very heavy bleeding